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This was just a sneak peek...

Troubadour offers you:

Loading in progress

You can find the instructions at any time here! Don't forget! You can return to the finished pages at any time. Click here to select your objects and build your scene. When you are ready to add the text to this scene, you can do so by clicking here. When you're done, click here! When you have finished, return the work to be corrected to the student. The use of Troubadour is more enjoyable in full screen mode. Don't forget to give your work a title on the first page.


In construction
Page %PAGE_NUMBER% Last step
Young author's tutorial Are you sure? Grab your highlighters! Correct the text Add feedback! Here we go! Read the instructions Choose your setting Build your scene The main text! Great, the page is done! Conclusion Write to final paragraph. I am ready to review my work! Final step: Review Read your teacher's comment
<p>By following this tutorial, you will be able to create a story in Troubadour.</p> <p class='smaller'>It won't be saved, but it will allow you to try the game!</p> <p>Assisted writing will no longer be activated for this work.</p><p>Do you want to continue?</p> <p>Here is the work of a fictitious student! Give the student feedback on the different pages of his text.</p><p>You can modify and highlight certain words by using the correction tools, or indicate if the text has been approved or if it needs to be reworked.</p> <p>Give feedback to your student on the different pages of his text.</p><p>You can modify and highlight certain words by using the correction tools, or indicate if the text has been approved or if it needs to be reworked.</p> You can highlight the words to be corrected using the brush tool. You can also edit the text directly. <p>Indicate the texts that need to be modified by pressing the "To be revised" button.</p> <p>Only these texts will be allowed to be edited by the student during the revision stage.</p> It’s your turn to create. Read the instructions carefully and dive into your writing adventure! Where and when does your scene take place? Answer these questions by decorating it according to your story. Place your characters and the different objects that make up your scene. You can add dialogue to characters or assign text to objects. Click this button to select your object or character. Once selected, place the object by dragging it on the scene. <p>To move an object or character, click on the base.</p><p>Click once to select it, a second time to drag it.</p> Give your story a title and write a text to accompany the scene you have just created. Continue your story on the next page. Your story is almost complete! All you have to do is write a conclusion. Now you can scroll through your work for a final review.
Stop the guided writing mode Stop showing explanations
GO! Yes! I know how to do it. Understood! Continue I carefully read the instructions! My scene set is in place. Next step! Continue My conclusion is complete.

Hmmm, it looks like your internet connection is not responding. Retrying in...

One moment please.

Your internet connection is still not responding.
Retrying again in...

Connection restored!

Student text

Add comment Your current comment Your last comment

Student text
Your revision
Your comment

Text revisions

There is no revision for this text at the moment.


Teacher's correction

Text to be added via JS on button click


Are you sure? The text will return to the way the teacher corrected it. You will lose your last changes

If the student is currently working on this challenge, their last action may not be saved.


If the student is currently working on this challenge, their last action may not be saved.


If the student is currently working on this challenge, their last action may not be saved.


The work is now complete and public. It will switch to 'In correction' state.


The work is currently completed and private. It will switch to 'In correction' state.


Use this menu to navigate the page

0 word(s)
The brush tool will transform your cursor. Simply highlight a word to change its colour.
Brush mode enabled


This text is no longer editable

Only the text entries in yellow may be edited.

There is no text to correct

The student has not yet written anything for this element.

info-button staple

Instructions provided to students

The demo challenge!

                    Create a challenge of your choice using the objects at your disposal. The full version of Troubadour will feature more than a thousand objects and characters and will allow teachers to create custom challenges!
The brush tool will transform your cursor. Simply highlight a word to change its colour.
Brush mode enabled

The brush tool will transform your cursor. Simply highlight a word to change its colour.
Brush mode enabled

0 word(s)
The brush tool will transform your cursor. Simply highlight a word to change its colour.
Brush mode enabled

by Skippy
The brush tool will transform your cursor. Simply highlight a word to change its colour.
Brush mode enabled

The brush tool will transform your cursor. Simply highlight a word to change its colour.
Brush mode enabled